Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Posted On:  9 Nov 2022
Open for bidding on:  9 Nov 2022
Response Deadline:  13 Jan 2023 5:00 PM PST
Not Interested
Opportunity Amount: $8,000,000.00 USD
Contract Length: 36 months
Response Deadline: 13 Jan 2023 5:00 PM PST
(Closed for response)
Award Date: 1 May 2023
Posting ID: 14594007(Doc3743638116)
Posting Type: Request for Information
Public Posting: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/14594007
Product and Service Categories  (10)
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Environmental Impact Assessment EIA services
  • Risk or hazard assessment
  • Environmental institution building or planning
  • Environmental sciences advisory services
Ship-to or Service Locations
Posting Summary
The Proposer shall provide all labor, material, and equipment required to perform the Service described as:            ENVIRONMENTAL & CEQA SUPPORT SERVICES.The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is seeking proposals from qualified firms that can provide a level of expertise and experience appropriate for SMUD’s projects. Proposers shall have experience performing environmental review for projects similar to SMUD’s projects in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), environmental permitting, biological field surveys and construction monitoring, cultural and Tribal cultural resource studies and AB52 consultation support, Avian Protection Plan support, avian mortality monitoring at wind projects, long range campus and facility planning, and have experience with obtaining permits from Federal, State and local agencies.The Sacramentoregionisagrowingarea.SMUD’selectricfacilityplanning processfollowsthegrowthdecisionsmadebythecountyandcitieslocatedinSMUD’s ServiceArea.ThisgrowthgenerallyresultsintheneedforSMUDtoexpanditsfacilities,constructnewoverheadandundergroundlines,developsubstationsinexistingandnewgrowthareas,andmakemodifications to its existingfacilities to provide electric serviceto thegrowinginfill areas.Theseactionsgenerallyrequire someleveloffacilityplanning,environmentalreview,andfederalstate,orlocalagencypermitting.SMUDactsastheCEQA“LeadAgency”intheenvironmentalreviewprocessassociatedwithitsfacilities,exceptwhereanotheragency,bystatute,haslead.SMUDfacilitiesgreaterthanorequalto100kilovolts(kV)arealsosubjecttocountyorcityapprovalasrequiredbytheGualcoAct(PublicUtilitiesCode§12808.5andGovernment Code§53091 and §53096).SMUD intends to award one or more contracts for the period starting May 1, 2023, through April 30, 2026, for a not-to-exceed aggregate amount of $8,000,000.

Questions & Answers
Sacramento County Headquartered SMUD SEED Subcontractor www.InfrastructureImprovement.com is available to join proposals as a Engineer for Air Quality, Water Quality, Transportation, and Utilities.  Contact Chief Engineer Curt Taras PE to obtain our credentials.  1-916-747-6694  xxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
by Seller·8 months ago
Hi there, how do I go about downloading this solicitation?
by Seller·8 months ago
Please click respond to posting and all RFP documents are under the content section
by Sacramento Municipal Utility District·8 months ago
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