Supply Schedule - Marketing and Advertising Services

Supply Schedule - Marketing and Advertising Services
Other Buyer
Active Buyer
Posted On:  2 Feb 2023
Open for bidding on:  2 Feb 2023
Response Deadline:  3 Jun 2024 7:00 AM PDT
Not Interested
Opportunity Amount: $0.00 USD
Contract Length: 12 months
Response Deadline: 3 Jun 2024 7:00 AM PDT
(Closed for response)
Posting ID: 15304902(Doc610072202)
Posting Type: Request for Information
Public Posting:
Product and Service Categories  (6)
  • Internet advertising
  • Magazine advertising
  • Radio advertising
  • Advertising campaign services
  • Newspaper advertising
Ship-to or Service Locations
Posting Summary

The Prince George’s Supply Schedule is currently closed to process applications, update the solicitations, and the conduct end of year contract administration activities.  All applications that have been submitted will be reviewed and applicants will be notified with next steps, individually.  During this time, please allow our staff to work on processing applications and updating the solicitation process. We look forward to working with you all soon!


Contracts and Procurement

Category -Marketing and Advertising Services   NAICS Code(s): 541613      
*Adopting the GSA schedule for pricing          
To apply for the supply schedule, suppliers must be registered as a Prince George's County vendor and certified as Prince George's County Government County Based Small Business or County Based Minority Business Enterprise.          
To register, please visit:          
To get certified, please visit:
How to Respond to a Solicitation
Supply Schedule - Marketing and Advertising Services Solicitation

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