WS1933652745 - Wymiana rozdzielnic R-1.2 6kV, R-12.1 6 kV, R-12.2 6kV, RNN-12.1 A 500V, RNN-12.1 B 500V wraz z transformatorami w Rejonie ZWR Lubin

WS1933652745 - Wymiana rozdzielnic R-1.2 6kV, R-12.1 6 kV, R-12.2 6kV, RNN-12.1 A 500V, RNN-12.1 B 5...
Very Active Buyer
Posted On:  9 Apr 2024
Open for bidding on:  9 Apr 2024
Response Deadline:  29 Apr 2024 2:59 PM PDT
Not Interested
Opportunity Amount: $1000 to $10K USD
Contract Length: 30 months
Response Deadline: 29 Apr 2024 2:59 PM PDT
(Closed for response)
Posting ID: 19304368(Doc1934083384)
Posting Type: Request for Information
Public Posting:
Product and Service Categories 
  • Control system distribution box
  • Control system splitter
  • Control system patchcord
  • Through panel control connection system
Ship-to or Service Locations
Posting Summary
NOTE: The tender offer should be submitted electronically in accordance with RFP in the SAP ARIBA purchasing system. Tender offers sent as attachments to messages in Discovery Network will not be accepted.  

UWAGA : Oferty należy składać elektronicznie zgodnie z RFP bezpośrednio w systemie zakupowym SAP ARIBA. Oferty handlowe przesłane jako załącznik do wiadomości w serwisie Discovery Network nie będą akceptowane.

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