(RFQ) Information Technology Consulting Services - P14

(RFQ) Information Technology Consulting Services - P14
City of Houston
Very Active Buyer
Posted On:  18 Sep 2024
Open for bidding on:  18 Sep 2024
Response Deadline:  31 Oct 2024 2:00 PM PDT
Opportunity Amount: $0.00 USD
Response Deadline: 31 Oct 2024 2:00 PM PDT
(Buyers can close postings early)
Posting ID: 20973832(Doc1273925612)
Posting Type: Request for Information
Public Posting: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20973832
Product and Service Categories 
  • Information technology consultation services
  • Information technology IT management services
Ship-to or Service Locations
Posting Summary
The Houston Airport System (HAS) seeks qualified consultants to provide Information Technology (IT) professional services to assist HAS in accomplishing current and future technology initiatives.  This is for one or more contracts with terms of three (3) years with two (2) one-year renewal options.
DOC1273925612 Information Technollogy Consulting Services
Pre-Submission Sign In Sheet- Information Technology Consulting Services
Information Technology Consulting Services SAMPLE CONTRACT
Information Technology Consulting Services Pre-submission PowerPoint Presentation

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