RFP - Assessing the Potential for Carbon Offset Credit Generation in Nova Scotia

RFP - Assessing the Potential for Carbon Offset Credit Generation in Nova Scotia
Government of Nova Scotia
Active Buyer
Posted On:  13 Sep 2019
Open for bidding on:  13 Sep 2019
Response Deadline:  7 Oct 2019 7:59 PM PDT
Not Interested
Opportunity Amount: $1,500.00 to $99,000,000.00 CAD
Response Deadline: 7 Oct 2019 7:59 PM PDT
(Closed for response)
Posting ID: 7274009(Doc277089843)
Posting Type: Request for Information
Public Posting: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/7274009
Product and Service Categories 
  • Environmental sciences advisory services
  • Environmental economics advisory services
Ship-to or Service Locations
Posting Summary
Closing date and time : October 7th, 2019 @ 14:00 Atlantic Time  

This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Province of Nova Scotia (the “Province”) to prospective proponents to submit proposals for the provision of Assessing the Potential for Carbon Offset Credit Generation in Nova Scotia to Nova Scotia Environment (NSE), as further described in the RFP Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).  This RFP is being conducted pursuant to the Nova Scotia Sustainable Procurement Policy and Procurement Manual.  
The successful proponent to this RFP will conduct a study that provides a clear understanding of the potential for offset credit generation within Nova Scotia for the purpose of participating in Nova Scotia’s cap-and-trade program. This study will identify the sectors, project types, and protocols that are most viable in Nova Scotia, as well as identify risks and opportunities relating to offset projects. Completion of this work will require both a review and analysis of current practices and available literature and data, as well as direct engagement with expert and industry stakeholders.

The Province of Nova Scotia does not post budget information. The Opportunity Amount listed does not reflect the Province’s actual project estimate.

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